
Ravenna was brought to Three Cranes by her boyfriend in 2007. She fell in love with the warm welcome showed to her by the Cranes and has been around ever since.

Ravenna started out as a solitary Wiccan several years ago, but was looking for a greater sense of community in worship of the Kindred. What she found in Three Cranes Grove, ADF, was just that: a wonderfully welcome sense of community where learning and finding your path was encouraged and supported. Gaia, Brigid and the Morrigan have incorporated themselves in her pantheon.

Due to her love of the arts, she was asked in the fall of 2009 to act as the Grove’s Artisan Educator. She hopes to be able to share her love for art and the Kindred to blend with her love of her new grove family through quarterly art classes.

She is in the process of taking her Dedicant Path and though she hasn’t really found one set Hearth Culture she follows, she is finding that the program is helping her. From being the occasional New-Agey Wiccan, she now celebrates all the high days and solstices and through ADF’s DP, she has joyously made worship part of her daily life.
