Beltane 2003 Omen

Beltaine 2003 –

This rite occurred at the UUCE in Reynoldsburg. Lu had helped us get the property rented, and was giving us a great break on the price. The problem started when one of the members of the UUCE had a fit about renting to Pagans and (in particular) us. This eventually got smoothed out, and we’re dealing with it in our own way.

Anyway, the rite went pretty well, and we had a lot of fun doing the ritual. We had an actual altar for the first time, and we used charcoal instead of a wood fire. I smashed a ceramic statue as an offering to Belinus (it flew apart, and I’m very happy it didn’t hurt anyone), and Sirona received some flowers and fruit. We danced the Maypole, as well. We used an extender for a paint roller as the maypole, and it worked out well because we could fold it down.  And now we’re set for next year, too.

6th Night was supposed to come to the ritual, but things happened and they weren’t able to make it. I was somewhat depressed about that, but I know they would have been here if they could have made it.

At right, you can see the omens for this ritual.

Have our sacrifices been accepted?
Strength, indicating that our sacrifices had been received, and that the Gods were growing stronger from them.

What do the Gods offer us in return?
Justice, showing us that the Gods would ask that we are just and right in our actions, and offering us justice for ourselves, should we require it.

What further needs to the Gods have of us? 

The horse, indicates that the Gods would give us swift journey and strong support. They are with us as we travel through life. I found this rune very important in the reading, because it indicates that some of the people attending the rite who had come from far away would make it back safely.

Our work is strong and right, and we are assured safe travel through our lives.
