This ritual was held at Blacklick Woods Metropark, in the Sasaffrass Shelter. It was held on Oct. 28, 2007.
Attendance: 32, 16 ADF/16 non-ADF
Canned Goods: unknown
toys: 40
Raffle/Donations: $13/$51
Are our offerings accepted? Ebadh (aspen)
What do the Holy Powers offer us in return? Oir (spindle)
What fruther needs do the Kindred have of us? Ur (heather)
Are our offerings accepted? Ebadh (aspen) – The Grove, coming together. Resoundingly yes! Roots intertwined.
What do the Holy Powers offer us in return? Oir (spindle) – The thread of destiny, things wrought for the home & tradition (keeping them)
What further needs do the Kindred have of us? Ur (heather) – This tribe, this homeland and our traditions/inner workings.
Taken together: we come together as a Grove, our lives entwining in common purpose to fulfill our destiny. The co-created thread of our liveways joins us to this land, these people, this grove, this order.
Senior Druid
I first thing I always think about is this location: I love Blacklick and this shelter. I thought Mariel did a great job. I know she was very nervous, but she did wonderful. I was very moved that both her and Maggie’s parents came to the ritual. That has to be special to have that level of acceptance and to share your spirituality with your parents. The rite itself went well, I had the Waters of Life for the first time and was wound tight about that. To be honest I got hung up with practical issues during this rite, we forgot the candle on the Nature Spirit altar, it was dark and hard for Mariel and I to read notes, which took away our crutches but it was also too dark to see the faces of people and they were too far away to hear. I don’t like taking the wreath around to people, I like them stepping forward. I was very proud of and moved by Carmen, I took a lot of courage to do what she did. Everyone did well with their parts, Anna Gail, Anna Banana and Michael all did parts they wrote that were beautiful. I loved the Ancestor Box and opening it and adding items from new members, it is very special. I enjoyed seeing so many friends and family. I also thought is was great that we had people drive from Cleveland, Toledo and Huntington just to be a part of ritual.
Druid in Charge
I spent most of this ritual being terrified. Overall, people seemed to like it! Even better, the Kindreds seemed to like it, Re: Omens. We asked Cernunnos to assist us in honoring our ancestors. Good rite, good omens, no one died! 🙂