Summer Solstice @ Comfest, honoring Manannán

Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us at Comfest for a celebration of the summer solstice, honoring Manannán mac Lir! This ritual is free, public, and open to all. […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us at Comfest for a celebration of the summer solstice, honoring Manannán mac Lir! This ritual is free, public, and open to all. […]
Join us at Comfest for a pan-Indo-European ritual honoring the Sun and our community, at Comfest!
Join us to celebrate the Summer Solstice and honor Manannán mac Lir at Comfest (and stop by our booth while you’re at it). In this ritual, we’ll take part in […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of the Summer Solstice! At this rite we will honor Perun, the red-headed, ax-wielding god of storms and chief […]