Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of Imbolc, in the Beech-Maple lodge at Blacklick Woods Metro Park. This ritual is free, public, and open to all.
As it so often does, this year’s Imbolc ritual will honor the Gaulish goddess Brigando, the Lady of the Triple Fires of healing, smithcraft, and poetry. She has many reflexes, and you likley know her by one of her many other names: Brigid, Brìd, Birgitte, etc.
This rite will be held hybrid — all are welcome to join us in person, but we will also stream over Zoom. We strive to weave all attendees into our magic, no matter how they join us, and we invite all remote participants to pray at their home shrines along with us if they have them, or in the shrine of their heart if they do not, and to join with us in offering.
While our ritual activities begin with conviviality at 2:30pm and continue with potluck after the rite, ritual is scheduled for 3:30 sharp (or as close as we can manage).
2:30 — Social hour/gathering
3:00 — Zoom meeting begins
3:15 — Pre-ritual briefing
3:30 — Ritual begins
Potluck to follow ritual
If you can’t make it in-person, we’d love to see you via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 337 362 382
Passcode: 477818
What should I have with me?
If you’re new to all this, check our information for first-time attendees!
But in general, there’s not much you need to have. Zoom attendees are welcome to give offerings at their home shrine, or in the shrine of their hearts. In-person attendees are welcome to bring physical offerings. If you’ll be joining in person, we also invite you to bring a dish to share at potluck. Not sure what to bring? Anything will be welcome, but hearty main dishes are always especially welcome. Many people have dietary restrictions, so if you’d like to be especially hospitable, it’s great to have a label for your dish, especially if a dish may be appealing to a particular population (vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.).
Blacklick Woods Metro Park: Beech-Maple Shelter
6975 E Livingston Ave
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
Blacklick Woods Metro Park is on the east side of the Columbus metro area, on Livingston Rd. between Brice Rd. and Baltimore-Reynoldsburg Rd. After entering the park, the lodge can be accessed from the first and second left-turns off the park road. The first turn leads to a small parking lot, which we ask you to reserve for those physical mobility concerns and/or equipment to unload. The second leads to a larger parking lot that’s connected to the lodge by a short wooded path. Check out the Blacklick Woods Metro Park map.