The Summerland Festival 2022

The Summerland Festival returns to Camp Clifton, Aug 18-21! For full details, see our Summerland event pages.
The Summerland Festival returns to Camp Clifton, Aug 18-21! For full details, see our Summerland event pages.
Join us to celebrate the Summer Solstice and honor Manannán mac Lir at Comfest (and stop by our booth while you’re at it). In this ritual, we’ll take part in […]
Script by Mike Bierschenk, except where otherwise noted. Initiating the Rite Purification As we prepare to do this work today, let us take a moment to purify ourselves and our […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of Imbolc, honoring the Gaulish goddess Brigando, who you may know by one of her many other names: Brigid, […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of the Winter Solstice! Here in the depth of winter, we honor the Slavic Veles, god of magic and […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of Samhain, honoring the various gods of the dead honored by our grove members. We will honor Gaulish Cernunnuos, […]
Autumn Equinox is 3CG’s anniversary rite — this year marks our nineteenth anniversary as a grove! At this rite we swear in new officers, we recite our grove’s epic poem […]
It is common at ADF Festivals to hold a Unity Ritual, wherein we ask the blessing of the Kindreds — the Ancestors, the Spirits of Nature, and the Shining Godden […]
Summerland 2021 is a two-day virtual festival featuring workshops, a bardic circle, and a closing unity ritual.
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of Lughnasa! At this ritual we will return to our multi-year cycle of mythtelling around this high day — […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of the Summer Solstice! At this rite we will honor Perun, the red-headed, ax-wielding god of storms and chief […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of the Spring Equinox! We will be honoring Belenos, the “bright one” of Gaul, associated with the sun, the […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of the Spring Equinox! We will be honoring Indra, Storm-God of the Vedas, celebrating this winning of the waters […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of the winter solstice, honoring the returning sun and all the many gods and spirits associated with it. 3:00 […]
Three Cranes Grove is a chartered grove of Ár nDraíocht Féin, “a Pagan church based on ancient Indo-European traditions expressed through public worship, study, and fellowship.” This is often a […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of the winter solstice, honoring the returning sun and all the many gods and spirits associated with it. 3:00 […]
Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of Samhain, honoring Donn. Donn is the Irish god of the dead/first ancestor, and his house is a waystation, […]
Autumn Equinox is 3CG’s anniversary rite — this year marks our eighteenth anniversary as a grove! At this rite we swear in new officers, we recite our grove’s epic poem […]
Three Cranes Grove, ADF, invites you to celebrate the Panathenaea with us! In Ancient Greece, the Panathenaea was a celebration held every four years, in the same years as the […]
While many of us have studied and worked to implement a solid “yes means yes” attitude when it comes to consent, we often don’t know how to implement the new […]