Spring Equinox 2006 Omen
Spring Equinox 2006 – This rite was held at Highbanks Metropark, in the Northern Reservable shelter. Nick took the omen, and you can see the runes drawn at right. Here […]
Spring Equinox 2006 – This rite was held at Highbanks Metropark, in the Northern Reservable shelter. Nick took the omen, and you can see the runes drawn at right. Here […]
I. PROCESSION Before stepping into ritual area, but after being censed and aspersed, participants will be asked Druid: by what name are you known, and from whence do you hail? […]
0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is a day to […]
I. MUSICAL SIGNAL Celebrants gather outside the ritual area, and Anne rings a bell to get things started. II. CERES INVOCATION1 [An offering of lavender is made to Ceres.] O, […]
0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is a day to […]
0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose [A purpose is inserted here, […]
0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today we come together in […]
0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is the celebration of […]
First be warned that this is not a normal ADF rite…. this rite is performed to grow outside of the normal parameters, to help show that religion should be a […]
0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is Beltaine, the Hinge […]
Eostre Rite, 2005 (stolen liberally from The Troth’s Our Troth,Grove of the Mystic Ash, Red Maple Grove, Stone Creed Grove, and www.nycpagan.com) I. Statement of Purpose: (Leesa) We gather to […]
0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is a day to […]
BRIEFING Brief Outline: Earth Mother Prayer Procession & Purification Grounding/Centering Precedent/Purpose Ritual re-creation of cosmos: Evocation of gatekeeper Establishing the sacred center w/3 gates Opening the Gates Beneficial influences: Apollo […]
0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is a day to […]
0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is the beginning of […]
Lughnassadh 2004 – This rite was held at Mark’s house in Mount Vernon. There were 10 people in attendance. Mark has an excellent space, a natural grove with an oak tree […]
0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is the celebration of […]
0: The Sacred Beach is in the Dining Hall at Camp Clifton. The celebrants hallow the Beach; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled with ocean water, the Palm Tree […]
Soulstice 2004 – This rite was held at Blendon Woods Metropark. This rite was done in celebration of summer through songs, and we re-named the Solstice rite our “Soulstice” rite. Some […]
Au Equinox, 2002 We have come together today for the inception of Three Cranes Protogrove, ADF, and to join together in worshiping and praising the Shining Ones. A Protogrove needs […]